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The Lost Lectures

Rhian Lewis: Blockchains, Machines for Trust

With zero jargon, accessible language and a visible passion, Rhian discussed the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology and it’s wide reaching applications. She also sets down the foundations of money and ergo, cryptocurrency, by explaining some of their wilder concepts (think Yap Stones to Pizza indexes!) She talks about a technology that is still in its infancy and offers a healthy dose of reality, warning against the risk of totalitarianism in our future socio-technical lives.


Speaker Rhian Lewis

Of all the trends that have emerged over the last few years, blockchain technology has been lauded as the on that will fundamentally change civilization. Rhian is one of the UKs leading voices in blockchain and cryptocurrency: cofounder, consultant and journalist she’ll be providing a tantalizing glimpse over the horizon into a world without centalised power.