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The Lost Lectures

Archives : Environment

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Say YES More

Dave, a former x-Box addict gives this empowering talk about making the most of your days. He takes us through his ‘yes!’ list (Like a bucket list, but less morbid)…

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Opening nature’s bounty.

“The Streets are paved with fallen fruits!”. A self-proclaimed optimist, Katharina takes us on a culinary journey while outlining her vision for collaborative harvesting. By connecting people who have talent,…

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A little love for fish.

In her fascinating talk, Helen shares a wealth of marine behaviours and discusses why some are far more favourable than others when trying to gain the sympathy and support of…

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A planet rethink.

In her talk Jacquie considers the importance of people working with governments and creating open dialogue about environmental information that in turn, may create a happier and more sustainable future.