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The Lost Lectures

Projects, Punishment and Pigeons.

Julius is a uniquely talented visual communicator and has a sense of humour to match: in this deadpan, yet highly amusing talk, he shares some of his most recent project: Punishment: where he whips nature for several hours, Punishment 2: more of the same, but this time with man-made structures and finally his most recent art project with Julian Charriere ‘Pigeon Safari’ where he paints pigeons using a unique (and bird friendly) contraption, photographs them and sets them free again amongst their grey companions.


Speaker Julius Von Bismarck

Julius Von Bismarck is somewhere between an artist and an inventor. Known internationally for creating the Fulgurator: a high intensity light emitter that projects images for a split second onto a distant target (exactly what you need when Obama and the Pope are in town). The outcome leaves many unwitting photographers, both professional and amateur a little confused! He’s also an internationally renowned artist with a string of groundbreaking projects to his name.