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The Lost Lectures

Emma Sayle

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‘It’s like Eyes Wide Shut, but realistic’ reflects one satisfied customer – and customer satisfaction is something Emma Sayle is keen to deliver. She’s the infamous entrepreneur behind Killing Kittens, a secretive network of sex parties where the world’s well-heeled and well-connected explore their wild side. Whether it’s the discreet nature of her events, the society she keeps (counting Kate Middleton as one of her confidantes) or simply, her meteoric success, Emma has a knack for notoriety. Journalists from London to New York have begged her to divulge secrets about the soirees. But behind all the kisses and ‘cuffs, Killing Kittens has a serious aim, to inspire women to explore their sexuality from an empowered standpoint. She’ll be sharing a few of her secrets with us on the night.

Image Credit – Matt Writtle