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The Lost Lectures

Bradley Garrett

We’ve been trying to pin down Bradley for close to a year. His evasions have ranged from lack of phone signal (roving the sewers of Antwerp), to general business (writing a book on a crane, photographing an abandoned Alaskan town; the usual). Obviously, anyone with such exotic excuses is of high interest to Lost HQ. For those who haven’t guessed, Bradley is one of the world’s pre-eminent place hackers. He rose to infamy some years ago after scaling the shard for a photo-opp. Unperturbed by the police cautions, he’s undertaken increasingly adventurous missions, capturing the world’s most discreet and guarded corners (and facing arrest along the way). These expeditions are tethered to a broader philosophy: Bradley wants us to hack everything and be more adventurous, revitalizing the city through trespass. He’ll be convincing us to dust off our bolt clippers.